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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Alleged 'rights group' involved with removal of anti-Scientology videos from YouTube doesn't exist; says EFF‎

>Click here for the EXCLUSIVE story.

On September 4 and 5, at least 4,000 anti-Scientology videos were removed from the video sharing website, YouTube. The videos removed were done so by a single Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notice by an alleged 'rights group' called the American Rights Counsel LLC, which Wikinews has confirmed, does not exist beyond the scope of those requests.

In an exclusive interview with Wikinews the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) acknowledged that they "don't know anything about" the Counsel and that any attempt to intentionally commit fraud by failing false DMCA requests, could lead to criminal charges.

"We don't know anything about this group. However, if these DMCA notices were sent improperly, there could be legal remedies. The particulars would depend on the particulars of the situation," Rebecca Jeschke, a spokeswoman for the EFF, told Wikinews.

>Click here for the EXCLUSIVE story.


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スタービーチ said...


さいきん、お仕事が said...


スタビ said...


スタービーチ said...


天皇賞 said...

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友達 said...


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NHKマイルC said...

NHKマイルC 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?今年の狙うべきポイントを限定公開!

友達 said...


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ヴィクトリアマイル 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?人気が平然と馬券に絡む理由とは

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友達 said...


スタービーチ said...


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日本ダービー said...

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日本ダービー said...

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出会い said...


モバゲー said...


ツイッター said...


モテる度チェッカー said...


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安田記念 said...

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友達 said...


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モバゲー said...


ゲーマーチェッカー said...


スタービーチ said...


スタービーチ said...


スタービーチ said...


モバゲー said...


gree said...


Hチェッカー said...


ツイッター said...


不倫 said...


宝塚記念 said...

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出会い said...


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出会い said...


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Hチェッカー said...


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セフレ said...


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逆援助 said...


スタビ said...


SM度チェッカー said...


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ツイッター said...


mコミュ said...

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mコミュ said...


ツイッター said...


SMチェッカー said...


モバゲー said...

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Danny Moreson said...

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Chriss Lain said...

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Keven Robert said...

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Keven Robert said...

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Danny Moreson said...

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Chriss Lain said...

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You should be in good cardiovascular and pulmonary health before trying HIIT exercises.
HIIT is also called turbulence training method.

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